重庆疫情今天通报:昨日新增4例本地确诊病例 2例无症状 九龙坡病例与成都金牛病例有过接触

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  1. Mark StephensonFollowing on from the 3rd March Meetings held by economic development organizations globally; many organisations have started to pledge their committment to helping stop Putin's illegal war with Ukraine. I ask that your organization make a public pledge today stating that you will: - Not buy goods and services from Russian businesses. - Not sell goods or services to Russian businesses. - Replace Russian goods or services with those from Ukraine where possible. I ask this not to punish normal Russian people, many of whom are good and also despite this war which was started by a petty tyrant; but to be part of the international movement to put massive pressure on the economy of Russia so that the war will come to an end through lack of resources. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” PLEASE MAKE YOUR PLEDGE PUBLIC HERE ON THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS WEBSITE: https://tinyurl.com/37bf8p9w It costs nothing but 2 minutes of your time, and a committment to stop supporting Russia in any way. If businesses across the globe commit to this action of refusing to do ANY business with Russia then we can bring this war to an end. #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHumanity回复


